Thursday, December 27, 2018

Five of the Best Foods for Perimenopause

Food has the ability to heal. With good nutrition and a good exercise program, you can overcome many of the diseases that undermine our culture today.

Treatment of the severe symptoms of perimenopause is no different. Here is a series of foods that can treat your body and balance your hormones without the help of synthetic drugs.

Here is my list of the five best foods for the perimenopause.

Five best perimenopause foods

# 1. Salmon.

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins, which are beneficial in the perimenopause years. Omega-3 not only helps to treat these unpleasant numbers, but it also improves mood and promotes brain health. Fish and meat protein increase the production of progesterone in the body and balance hormones. For more understanding, you can ask the best gynecologist in Lahore.
Avoid cultivated Atlantic salmon as it contains PCBs and other chemicals. Wild or organic salmon is your best option and offers the greatest benefits.

Lin # 2.

Flax is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins, as well as in fiber and antioxidants. It helps relieve bowel problems and combat estrogen's assessment.

Flax also contains lignins. Lignin’s are a type of phytoestrogen that block the current xenoestrogens in our environment. These xenoestrogen toxins contribute to predominantly estrogen and exacerbate the symptoms of the perimenopause. Lignin's also helped balance the total level of estrogen in the body and are ideal for breast health. For more understanding, you can ask the best gynecologist in Karachi.

Add flaxseed oil to your salad as a vinaigrette and sprinkle flax or whole flaxseed on yogurt, smoothies, cereals or salads.

# 3. Broccoli.

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cabbage, cauliflower and breast sprouts contain a phytonutrient called indole 3 carbinol (or I3C). Studies at I3C are still underway, but researchers believe it can help fight cancer. I3C also promotes the delivery of the liver and helps the body burn fat. Because it helps block toxic estrogen present in our environment, I3C can stimulate the hormone balance in the body.

But adding more broccoli to your diet has other benefits. Broccoli, broccoli seeds, fenegreek, cauliflower and parsley help reduce the amount of aromatase in the body. Aromatase is an enzyme that can produce an excess of estrogen in the body. Taking aromatherapy inhibitors such as broccoli can help reduce estrogen dominance and alleviate the severe symptoms of perimenopause. For more understanding, you can ask the best gynecologist in Islamabad.

Eat broccoli and other vegetables with vegetables, lightly steamed or fermented. You can also find a high quality I3C supplement to take with you.

# 4. The eggs.

Egg yolks are especially rich in healthy fats and proteins, all you need to promote the production of progesterone and DHEA in the body.

Don't believe fat will make you fat. The opposite is true. Healthy fat promotes metabolism and helps you feel full for a long time. Sugar, trans fat and hydrogenated oils are your real enemies to lose weight. If you want to lose a few pounds, avoid these foods at all costs.

Fat and saturated fats contained in eggs help to build cell membranes, reduce inflammation and help the body produce hormones. Exactly what you need during your perimenopause.

Pomegranates # 5.

Pomegranate seeds are an important resource in the fight against the dominance of estrogen. Pomegranates are also good for breast health and can prevent the spread of certain types of breast cancer cells. Add it to yogurt and smoothies. For more understanding, you can ask the best gynecologist in Pakistan.

In my electronic book "Do You Know Yourself", I reveal the best foods and vitamins to relieve the symptoms of the perimenopause. I will also explain the best strategies for reducing the incidence of estrogen so that you can enjoy more health and vitality now and in the years to come.

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