Thursday, December 20, 2018

Gynecological Disorders - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

A woman's menstrual cycle goes from puberty to menopause every month. Unfortunately, a dangerous trend began when many synthetic hormones were added to the food source through chickens, eggs, meat, etc. Girls have their menstrual cycle before and before at an alarming rate.

One of the side effects of these synthetic hormones in our girls is that they develop the breasts at the age of 9 and 10 years.

Another side effect of synthetic hormones is a severe premenstrual syndrome in women, caused by increased levels of estrogen in the blood. A recent article states that "synthetic hormones" are found in shampoos, conditioners, hairsprays, body tubes, deodorants, makeup, nail polish, many types of paper and plastic. Plastics are structurally so close to estrogen that they enter the same receptor sites, which prevent hormones from doing their jobs. In addition, an average person transports between 400 and 600 chemicals in the body at any time, which can often lead to problems for women and their menstrual cycle.

 Frequent Gynecological Diseases:

Women suffer from many types of gynecological diseases; Lack of menstrual bleeding, irregular bleeding, common bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge or pelvic pain.

Irregular bleeding can be due to polycystic ovary syndrome, eating disorders, extreme physical activity, medication or hormonal imbalances, whereas severe bleeding may be due to fibroids, polyps, cervix or endometrial hyperplasia.

The abnormal loss may be due to candidiasis (yeast infection), bacterial vaginitis (loss of fine milk and fishy odor), chlamydia or gonorrhea (a spread of germs through sexual contact) and trichomoniasis vaginitis (parasite through sexual contact).

How to spread healthy vaginal health? You must do some important things. Candida albicans is a fungus that in many people is invaded by antibiotics that balance the delicate balance of the intestinal ecosystem. When invaded by Candida albicans, they weaken the immune system to women, and in many cases, they become systemic infections when they exit the intestine and pass through the body. There are several things you can do with Candida. It also means that you eat a lot of garlic because it is very attractive for garlic. Take probiotics to increase the intestinal flora and try to balance the intestinal flora. Drink lots of green drinks and eat green food. Candida albicans feed on sugar and can literally not survive in an alkaline environment. Candida grows in an acidic environment.

Saleem Saif is a writer and spokesman for nutrition and comprehensive healing. She believes in prevention as the best way to fight diseases. He is NOT a doctor and does not provide medical advice. If you have questions at where you can consult with the best Gynecologist Always remember to fill your body with enzymatic foods that nourish and nourish your body so that you can start and continue optimally.


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  3. I like your blog; instead of treatments i prefer some foods that helps with fertility and resolve my issue. if the issue is not solved by diet then i consider an appointment with my gynecologist. thanks for sharing this info
